This is all so maddening, Kelly. Thank you for sharing it here. If it’s okay, I’d like to share it in an upcoming post of my health newsletter? Everyone really needs to see this. If anyone had broken a leg due to a carrier’s neglect or incompetence, would they not be able to receive damages? If so, why should this be any different??

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Hi Amy, thanks! Indeed! And would love for you to share this piece (or any others) that may be helpful or informative for folks!

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LIKE seems hugely inadequate - like "Sorry for the inconvenience." Kelly, I can only say I am glad that you are reaching and enlightening people through this blog. I wish you were on stage at the Democratic convention, where millions of people could see and hear you. One step (pardon the expression) at a time, though. You are doing great things!

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Thanks so much Mary! Your encouragement and support really means a lot! Good to know I’m not merely whistling to myself! 😊

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You write about everything so well, but that first paragraph with asking people what they would do if they got off the plane and realized their legs/arms had been broken or removed...that is a true mic drop moment and the perfect way to illustrate what have your mobility device broken or damaged is like to people who think it's "not a big deal".

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Thanks so much Jackie! Yeah, I think a lot of people really don’t “get it” unless they have been through it or have it explained really graphically. It’s like: no, this is really impactful and we need to treat disabled travelers better!

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No words, Kelly. Raging at the absolute dollar-profit policy over customer support and service! Thank you for sharing, and highlighting passenger rights.

I'm also sad when I read about situations like this because some people I know have chosen to avoid travel for these reasons. Their world has shrunk. Sharing your tips, knowledge and insights will hopefully enable and encourage others to do more if they wish.

Do you have an article with tips, plan and checklist re. flying?

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Thanks Victoria! Yes, it’s very sad and if things don’t change I can foresee a day when I won’t be flying anymore. John Morris (who writes a terrific travel newsletter) has some great tips on flying as a wheelchair user: https://wheelchairtravel.org/air-travel/. However, despite being prepared it can be quite awful for disabled folks when air travel goes wrong so having backup options and advocacy skills can be important for disabled travelers. Hope this helps!

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Thanks, Kelly. Wowser that's a great site. Thanks. I'll see where I can share it on Carer Mentor for others. I hear you. Our middle name is Agility or Pivot, right? Even on a short stay away driving I had heightened-primed-state of awareness to be ready to employ backup plan BCDEFGHIJK ;-) This heightened stress and being ready to advocate becomes a higher and higher price to pay for a trip. Thanks, Kelly. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom.

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